
Tips on food on a trip on the Israel Trail

If you recently saw the movie “A Long Way” about two people in their seventies embarking on a journey on the Appalachian Trail, you have probably also thought about the Israel Trail. The length of the Appalachian Trail is about 3500 km while the length of the Israeli trail is close to 1000. Despite the differences in length, there is no shortage of beautiful landscapes in Israel. If the film made you want to embark on a journey, you understand that proper planning is needed to complete it successfully. Here are some tips to help you, this time we’ll talk about food.

Start the celebration

If you are going on a two-month consecutive trip, you should do a spring departure party for the trip. If you do not have time to cook, order food from a catering company to celebrate. It can be very nice. How to have a sumptuous meal. Dairy dishes can do the job. You should take a look at the menu of some companies and at the same time check quotes.


Take only what is needed

Take only what you are sure you will use and plan your trip so that you will pass through points through which you can buy and renew food. It is also possible to find exit points from the trail, so that it will be possible to deviate from them and rest somewhere for a few days. Quite a few people are afraid that they will run out of food, so they take extra cans and thus weigh down the weight of the backpack.

Israel Trail route

Burial of water for Israel and food

The southern part of the trail, the one that starts from the end of the Jerusalem area and reaches Eilat, is the most difficult part because it is desert. In this part it is necessary to bury water and food and therefore must get there in advance. Quite a few people give it up just because of this reason. Bury cans and sixes of water and mark the spot with a navigator.

Walk About Love

There is an easy and simple way to walk on the trail without worrying about food at all. Join us. We take care of every logistics issue including food. We transfer the backpack for you from station to station. Together as a group of people around the world we will prepare food. This way you can walk the trail without worrying about anything. Just enjoy the trip. For more details – contact us.